11.12.2009 - Trustsigned - Signatur gegen Raubkopien
Operators of downloadshops, these are webshops which sell ebooks, images, movies, etc., had to put up in past, that their offered files has been passed to third parties. This is not amazing, because a downloaded file can be at least quick and easy forwarded, for example with an email, to a friend. Downloadshops boom, but fearing against piracy is, already for years ago, an anathema for operators of downloadshops. But these fears are things of the past, because Trustsigned offers the solution. Trustsigned is a signing service, which marks files during their downloads with digital fingerprints of the purchasers. This makes it easy to expose pirates of downloaded files. The usage of some years showed, that purchasers, which had been noted with the security precaution, tend much more to recommend the webshop, where they have bought their files, instead of giving them to third parties. This has a positive effect to the number of orders in the webshops and succession also to their conversion and their profits. Trustsigned costs just a few cents for each signing - an investment which pays off. Links: en.trustsigned.net
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